Workshops & Seminars

Glo With Tess expertly crafted signature sessions are designed to inspire and empower individuals to achieve optimal well-being through practical, actionable strategies. Whether you’re seeking to enhance the personal wellness of your team, boost productivity, or foster a healthier community, our sessions offer something for everyone.

Topics can be delivered in a variety of formats to best suit your group’s needs. Each session will leave participants with valuable insights and actionable tools to make lasting, positive changes in their lives.

To discuss your next wellness workshop or seminar, click the button below. Custom sessions are also available.

Stress Management

From Stressed to Your Best: The Power of Understanding & Conquering What Stresses You

Stressors can manifest in many areas of daily life, leading in many cases to serious health issues. Proactive management and education can help mitigate these risks, improving overall quality of life and productivity.

Attendees will gain:

  • Increased awareness of their own stress triggers and the adverse effects of stress on body and mind.
  • A personalized action plan with stress reduction techniques and coping skills to manage stress effectively for long-term wellbeing.


Importance of Sleep

Sleep Well, Live Well: A Wellness Workshop on Healthy Sleep Habits

Insufficient sleep has an estimated economic impact of over 44 million USD per year in the US alone. Sleep is often overlooked in our busy daily lives. There are very effective ways to improve sleep duration and sleep quality.

Attendees will learn:

  • Knowledge of the different stages of sleep and their importance for overall health.
  • Insights into how good sleep impacts physical health and mental health.
  • Practical tips for improving sleep quality and quantity.

Exercise for Brain Health

Brainy Workouts: Unleashing the Power of Exercise for Mental Health

Regular exercise is usually associated with physical benefits. However, its importance on mental health cannot be underestimated.

Attendees will learn:

  • The importance of physical activities on brain health.
  • How regular exercise is linked to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Strategies and tools for enhancing daily movement in any environment.

Ready for the next step?

To learn more or schedule a workshop,