Be radiant everyday.

Health & Wellness Coach

I help busy professionals implement transformative and long-lasting lifestyle changes that make them look and feel their best.

Do You Feel Like You’ve Tried Everything? Don’t Give Up!

Does it feel like you’ve attempted every diet you can think of? Are you struggling to stay motivated about your health and wellness goals? Do you find yourself on the brink of throwing in the towel because you’re still not seeing the results you desire?

I understand because I’ve been there too. When you’re trying to evolve into the best version of yourself, you’re going to encounter many barriers along the way. However, my advice to you is don’t give up. Instead, let’s face these roadblocks together. As your health and wellness coach, I’ll teach you tactics that’ll help you get to the other side of your obstacles.

“Health has become my priority!

Since the pandemic started, I had been battling with my weight and just could not figure out what to do. Working with Tess has enabled me to have a much better relationship with food. I also incorporated healthy habits into my daily routine. The daily text reminders really helped. I am thrilled that I have lost 30 pounds and my LDL cholesterol is within the normal range again. Our coaching sessions were fun. Tess was a great listener, she’s compassionate and non-judgmental. Knowing that I had someone to go to whenever I needed support was so reassuring. I would encourage you to work with Tess to achieve your health goals.”

Philipp Schaedler, Santa Monica, CA | Realtor

You Know What You Want, And I’ll Show You How To Get There!

When clients approach me, they’re typically already aware that they need to make some changes. For some, it might be addressing their issues with weight gain, and for others, it’s learning how to prevent or reverse certain health conditions. Whatever it is for you, there’s a strategy to help you get there. First, as your health coach, I’ll listen to your needs, learn about your unique lifestyle, and take into account your likes and dislikes. Then, I’ll create your customized plan to better health and well-being so you can jumpstart to a healthier you.

Start Your Path To Optimal Health Today

If you’re ready to press the reset button on your health, you’re at the right place. With me, you’ll gain the accountability, motivation, and structure you need to succeed. No more following fad diets that don’t work long-term or making changes that don’t fit in with your lifestyle! When we work together, you’ll say goodbye to setting the wrong goals, going at it alone, and totally hating the process. You’ll start saying HELLO to implementing lifestyle changes that you’re comfortable sticking with and that allow you to feel empowered.

Reset Your Health With In-person or Virtual Coaching

If you’re ready to transform into the healthiest version of yourself, let’s get connected! I offer highly customized coaching plans that consider your individual needs and busy lifestyle. Coaching sessions can take place in person or remotely by phone or video calls.  Glo With Tess is headquartered in Miami, Florida. Upon request, in-person sessions can be arranged at other locations.

So Get Ready, Get Set, and Glow with Tess!

Click the button below to schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call to reclaim your health.