Success Stories

After 9 weeks, my before and after photos tell a thousand words!

“If anyone follows Tess Cheng’s program with every detail, similar results can very likely happen without drugs, fasting or attending boot camps. “Easy makes us weak” is a quote I stick with.  With Tess’s monitoring and encouragement with daily reminders, I experienced great success.  It’s not just about weight loss and looking better.  Better sleep, much less urination at night and improved medical doctor blood tests will give me a stronger future.  A future less drug dependent and far less likely to have a caretaker to stay with me in my old, aged years!

The first few weeks were difficult and clumsy at times; yet the better changes are working now and my improved behavior has been habituated…yaaaay!!!  My daily behavior changed slower than I wanted, yet with Tess’s weekly reminders, better habits became the norm.  Daily journaling for several weeks helped me talk to myself and track my successes.  I was reluctant journaling at first, yet Tess’s encouragement kept me spot on.  Her formula, each step, needs to be followed.

On a funny note, “I am very happy that I kept my precious Hickey Freeman trousers in-waiting, just hoping for 10 years that I could fit into them again!”

Many around my age of 66 (especially older) always seem to talk about their injuries and needed drugs. Instead, I’m now living with an Avatar healthy body because of Tess’s program. I do feel sorry for the widespread numbers of frail and weakened Americans because I’ve been there. Now, however, I prefer to mix with those who converse about health, goals and new places to take their inherent Avatar-like bodies than those relying upon external dependency.

 Throughout the hills, valleys and plateaus of an enhanced and healthier lifestyle, I keep forgiving and praising myself.  Couldn’t have made this much progress without the persistent wisdom and caring Tess provided!  With lots and lots of gratitude, Avery.”

Avery C, Atlanta, GA | Myofascial Release Therapist

I had been suffering from insomnia until I started working with Tess…

“I was skeptical to begin with, thinking that she might be judgmental and would instruct me to follow her set of rigid disciplines. Instead, she impressed me as a patient and sensitive listener who encouraged me to speak my mind. She helped me to understand my own problems which had been prompted by my retirement from a very active and high-profile career. She inspired me to set new goals and to reposition my purpose in life, and most importantly, she helped me to see myself in another light and regain my self-esteem. I am now living a more balanced and fruitful life of exercise, piano-playing and volunteer work. I no longer toss and roll in bed with boredom or anxiety. My sleep pattern has improved so much! Thank you.”

Julie L, Laguna Niguel, CA | Retired Communications Director

Been working with Tess for approximately a year and a half.

“Tess has revolutionized my knowledge and attitude concerning nutrition, exercise and wellbeing. Her in-depth understanding and ongoing knowledge of methodologies designed to improve longevity, have been critical to my decision to change my lifestyle. She accomplishes her tasks with a firm, yet diplomatic attitude designed to motivate any committed individual towards living better longer.”

James D, Greenwich, CT | Portfolio Manager

Tess truly understands the power of health.

“Tess and I share a passion for the power of nutrition. We have spent countless hours sharing and discussing developments as they come to light. When my emotions were blocking my clear thinking, she gave me some great tips for my dog. When my 15-lb Havanese, Bosco, became very ill after being exposed to fertilizers and pesticides, Tess recommended that I feed him canned wild caught salmon or sardines packed in water with no salt.
My vet agreed that it was a great choice. Bosco within a short period of time had a beautiful improved shiny coat and a return to his former buoyant happy disposition. Bosco says thanks, Tess!”

Gail W, Portland, ME | Author, TBI Expert

I went to Tess for help with my sleep issues due to menopause.

“I was having problems falling asleep on most nights and then I would feel exhausted the next day. Through the coaching sessions, I have discovered some strategies that I could use daily to ensure a good night of sleep. I have also learned to adopt some very useful sleep habits. These days, I wake up feeling refreshed, my energy level is excellent and my relationship with my husband has improved too. I simply can’t thank Tess enough!”

Jenny U, Palo Alto, CA | Homemaker

For many years, I have suffered from hypertension and high cholesterol.

“Tess has helped me to understand the importance of nutrition and I have become much more conscious about what I eat. My increased awareness has also transformed how I shop in the supermarkets. She made a personal visit to my kitchen to show me how to read food labels properly, which has proved to be invaluable. She also encouraged me to stay hydrated and to engage in regular exercise. I’m very grateful for all the support from Tess and happy that I decided to invest in my health.”

Roger W, Kent, UK | Retired Banker

Health has become my priority!

“Since the pandemic started, I had been battling with my weight and just could not figure out what to do. Working with Tess has enabled me to have a much better relationship with food. I also incorporated healthy habits into my daily routine. The daily text reminders really helped. I am thrilled that I have lost 30 pounds and my LDL cholesterol is within the normal range again. Our coaching sessions were fun. Tess was a great listener, she’s compassionate and non-judgmental. Knowing that I had someone to go to whenever I needed support was so reassuring. My experience with Tess was wonderful. I would encourage you to work with her to achieve your health goals.”

Philippe S, Santa Monica, CA | Realtor