
Health Coaching Services

If you desire a health coaching service that builds customized plans based on your unique needs, you’re at the right place! Every single person that walks this earth is different, which means one-size-fits-all solutions aren’t the best method for attaining life-changing results. Together, we’ll take into account your current lifestyle, personal circumstances, preferences, and culture to produce a plan that awards you with glowing results.


Start Your Journey with A Health Assessment

Before our first coaching call, you’ll complete a health assessment, describing your current routine and your wellness goals and concerns. Then, on our first call, we’ll review the assessment and create a customized plan for achieving your aspirations and a lasting healthy lifestyle.


How To Work With Me

There are three different ways to work with me.

Pick My Brain Sessions

Are you unclear about how to reach your health goals and need a strategy to help get you from uncertainty to clarity? The Pick-My-Brain sessions are great for helping you address specific issues that you are concerned with. Whether it be weight loss, exercise, or how to improve your diet, you’ll walk away from the session with a roadmap on how to accomplish your objectives.


3-Month Customized Plan

Did you know that individuals are much more likely to successfully reach their targets when they have an accountability partner? If you’re just starting out or have reached a plateau in your current journey, this strategy is the right one for you. I understand that changes don’t happen overnight, so we’ll work together and design a person-centered plan with your unique goals in mind. You’ll learn how to overcome obstacles, break bad habits, and create the life you’ve always wanted.

Let’s Keep Working Together: 6-month or 12-month Retainer Package

After working together for 3 months, you’ve been able to form healthy habits and reach many of your health ambitions, but now what? Let’s keep working together so you can maintain your transformations and continue on your optimal health journey. I offer 6-month and 12-month retainer packages for current clients who desire additional support.

Special Services

Based on your needs and location, your coaching package can be further customized with the following services for an additional fee:

  • Nutrition label decoding
  • Supermarket tour
  • Pantry and fridge makeover
  • Restaurant menu mastery


Book A Discovery Call Today

Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call to learn more about how I work. The discovery call enables us to establish if we’re a good fit and which health coaching package is right for you.