Guest Blog: Brajesh Singh on How to heal yourself from chronic back pain

Posted on December 28, 2022 by Tess Cheng


Many people suffer from chronic back pain. Most sufferers try conventional treatments like drugs, surgery or physical therapy to get better, but the pain persists or keeps returning. There may be a natural solution.
Author Brajesh Singh recently published his book, “The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back,” which shows how sufferers may heal naturally, using a scientific based process from psychology. He healed himself after eight years of lower back pain. Here’s an introduction to his healing process that he wrote for my blog.



80% of Americans will sometime in their life experience back pain.  More money is spent treating chronic pain rather than cancer, diabetes and heart disease combined, often without long term success. Worse, 250 people are dying daily in the US alone from opioid overdoses often taken for pain management.

The cause of the pain is usually blamed on degenerated discs, herniated discs, pinched nerves, stenosis and various other spinal or physical diagnosis. Sometimes no cause can be found.

A New England Journal of Medicine paper surveyed 100 people without pain and two out of three of them had one or more of the spinal diagnoses without pain.  So, the link between some spinal defects and pain is questionable.

Within a month of discovering this paper, I became pain free and physically active, after stopping my doctor, physical therapist and chiropractor visits, and also stopping my medications, yoga, and posture management.

I found that pain rarely originates from a physical issue, since the body often naturally heals itself within months, even though chronic pain remains.

What big pharma does not tell you is that chronic pain starts from daily stress and tension from a significant change in your life, such as a personal loss, a death, a relationship breakup, a financial loss, an illness and the like. This unexpected change causes you to become overwhelmed with emotions that you learn to block.  These blocked emotions are unconsciously transformed to pain somewhere in the body, and becomes ingrained as a new pattern of behavior, like Pavlov’s dogs, and the pain then appears at random times and even random locations in the body (such as CRPS). But the sufferer gets caught in the pain management machine by blaming often erroneous triggers such as posture, spinal diagnoses, running, lifting, bending and even rain or snow.

Becoming pain-free was so profound it changed my life. I had to get this message out to as many people as possible, so I wrote my book detailing my journey and the healing process. My book shows the simple process to reconnect you back to your blocked emotions, and within days the pain starts decreasing, and in 30 days you can change your mind’s neurology and become permanently pain free. This process is completely scientific, based on psychology papers.

I’ve helped a 70-year-old client that suffered for 40 years, a 36 year old client that suffered for 3 years, and many more.

You can learn how to become pain-free by understanding the mind-body connection explained in detail in my book. And even before you start, you can take a simple 2-minute pain test on my website to determine if your pain originates from stress and tension, so you can be sure that this process will work for you.

If you’ve tried everything to become pain-free, then the good news is that this is very likely a solution to permanently banish your pain.


About the author:

Brajesh Singh is an Author, Speaker, Pain Coach and Communications Engineer who overcame eight years of chronic pain when he discovered the Zero Pain Now ® solution.  In his book, The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back, Brajesh explains how you can use this methodology to heal yourself.

For the 2-minute pain test, go to




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