Meet Tess


When you think about adopting a healthier lifestyle, does the thought of that intimidate you or make you feel suddenly overwhelmed? Does a pinch of doubt enter your mind as you consider how to incorporate healthier eating, working out, and making better lifestyle choices into your already busy schedule?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, not only do I understand, but I’m also here to help.

Hi, I’m Tess – A Health Coach For Busy Professionals

Growing up, many of my family members struggled with chronic health conditions, and I watched how these conditions shaped what they could and could not do. I also experienced a scare in my late 20s when my blood test results indicated that I was at risk of becoming diabetic. When my doctor told me that I needed to adjust my sugar intake, I immediately felt like limitations had been placed on me. I felt like I had to dim the light on the very things that made me, well me.

However, I quickly realized that I didn’t need to dim my light to be a healthier version of myself. In fact, making healthier choices has allowed me to grow into the best version of myself that I can be. And guess what? You can do this too!

A Healthier Life Doesn’t Mean a Boring Life

You don’t have to give up having fun, traveling, or eating with friends at restaurants to live a healthier life. In fact, I still do all of these things and more! You just need to implement the tools and strategies needed to achieve optimal health into your current lifestyle, which is where I come in.


Beyond Coaching: Your Partner in Achieving Optimal Health

My journey to becoming a health coach is a bit circuitous. I’ve always had a passion for health and wellness, but my career actually started in the busy world of advertising and sales. I earned an undergraduate degree in finance and banking from the University of London and later completed a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from New York University. While my academic background provides the foundation for much of my client work, I understood that I needed a more diverse toolbox to provide my clients with the holistic help they deserved. Therefore, I became a certified Health and Wellness Coach and a Lifestyle Medicine Coach at Wellcoaches School of Coaching.


Are You Ready to Become The Best Version of Yourself?

My life experiences have equipped me with the skills needed to help people make empowered lifestyle and nutrition choices no matter what environment they’re in. I work with my clients to build a vibrant and healthy life that allows them to transform both internally and externally. This is one of the most important things to remember about the wellness journey; it is a journey of both the mind and body, and the most successful journeys will focus on growth in both areas.

Start Your Health and Wellness Journey Today

If you’re a busy professional that’s ready to embark on a transformative journey toward optimal health, then look no further. With my unique experience in nutrition and health coaching, I’m prepared to steer and cheer you towards reaching and maintaining your health goals. So get ready, get set, and let’s glow!


Do you have any questions? See my FAQ page or schedule your free 30-minute discovery call today.